
Sunday, March 11, 2012

Restore Ubuntu panels

It seems a common (or more frequent) issue with Ubuntu? I've been using Ubuntu for few months (in addition to other LINUX based OSes I've been using) and came across this issue in my Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat). At the start up it gives you some error messages saying "unable to load blah blah... " (on some desktop applets etc...).

It's relatively easy to restore them back to their original(default) settings though. Just run the below and the panels will be restored.
$ gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel
$ rm -rf .gconf/apps/panel
$ pkill gnome-panel

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

How to recover deleted files in Eclipse

Well, this happened to me, file was not in a version control either and I was desperate to recover it.  Luckily there's a feature in eclipse to restore files from the context menu ("Restore from Local History...") of the relevant component (src folder, package folder etc...) where you deleted it from.
You can even get any other previously saved version of it from the dialog as shown below...

Monday, December 19, 2011

My experience with Stanford AI-Class

Well, it all started around 3 months ago, Introduction to AI (Artificial Intelligence) was offered free (ai-class) for anyone from around the world in partnership with the Stanford Engineering. Initially more than 160, 000 students signed-up for the course. But the participation seemed to degrade a bit as the course progresses. But fairly a big number of students were involved throughout the course. We are almost at the end of the course now. So thought of putting a summary about the course...

Organization of the course:

First of all, kudos to the whole team for such an exciting experiment. The lectures, assignments and the exams are all well organized and easy to get started to anyone familiar with basic computing and web. The tools/forums provided for collaboration are adequate as far as the course is concerned and they've all been well handled and moderated.

Course content:

It's not just fun learning in the spare time but also gives a lot more freedom as students to get clarified and improve upon while learning. I'd like to highlight the fact that it gives the opportunity to listen (and see) the original lecture any number of times when we need as this might not be possible in a real class.

I really liked all the topics and learned quite a lot within a short time. And my favorite was the topics related to robotics. It's really a privilege to learn all these basics with some real world examples as a proof for their applications.


A big thanks to both Prof. Peter Norvig & Prof. Sebastian Thrun for putting their valuable time in to this and make it a reality. And a special thanks should go to the technical team for handling the huge amount of traffic well with minimum down time.

Next step:

I hope this experiment will have a big impact on how the education should be delivered & modeled in the future. And I personally am proud to be part of this experiment.